Sunday, June 3, 2012

Gettin' Buggy

A couple of weeks back, Ben found a caterpillar on a plant outside. Being the cool dad that he is, he put it in a jar. As you can tell from the picture below, it was a very hungry caterpillar. All those stems had been full of leaves. He built a nice little burrowing cocoon and just yesterday we had a looky and VIOLA! A beautiful hummingbird moth! 

 Having a look see
 There's our little mothy friend. 

Free at last. Who knew moths could be so pretty? We were hoping a bird wouldn't come eat it right away. Hopefully it has found it's way in the world. 
We found another fuzzy one today. It's in a jar now, on our fridge. The saga continues. 


Rachel Holloway said...


stephanie and sean said...

are you KIDDING me!? you guys are so cool. i'm storing this idea away for a few years down the road :)