Saturday, February 14, 2009

Anniversary Date

Last week , we left the girls with an ever-too-kind Auntie and headed off into the sunset.
This was all a surprise for me (Jessica) I only knew we were going on a date, but I had no idea where! We started at Me n' Stans, it was the restaurant where we had our first date over 5 years ago! It was tasty!

I thought we were headed back to Rexburg when Ben pulled off the road and took us to this beautiful cabin. I had NO idea where we were or whose house we were at or what we were doing there Ben was laughing so hard. I didn't know what was going on! It wasn't until we got to the door and Ben had a key that I realized it was a bed and breakfast and that we weren't heading back to the 'burg that night after all!

We played a few games of pool. Ben's pretty darn good, but I must have had a little more practice in my day and won both times. Maybe Ben was just being nice.

In the morning a tasty and pretty breakfast was served with wild birds looking in from outside.

Doesn't it just look like a dream?! Thanks Ben for a HUGE surprise anniversary date! AND thank you Nellie (and Amanda) for watching the girlies!


Rachel Holloway said...

dreamy date for sure!! You LUCKY, LUCKY girl!!! How wonderful to have family closeby to help out so you guys could enjoy a night away! Looks like loads of fun!

Melinda said...

How sweet. Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

I love your anniversary photos- they tell such a great story on their own! You both emanate a quality that makes people so comfortable and content, I feel honored to be included in your lives...even via the internet! Hope the 'Wood' Anniversary was fantastic.

Kris Hansen