Friday, October 17, 2014

Back to School 2014

Back in August, the kids went back to school. They are all loving it and I feel like their teachers were all hand picked and just perfect for each child.

 Here's our brilliant and beautiful 4th grader standing tall at 5'7"

 Our exquisite and clever 2nd grader, whose fashion sense shows her love for animals

Our quick minded and quick bodied Kindergartner always willing to work hard and be helpful 

Clever and silly Henry hanging out with mom for one more year before preschool  

Our awesome kids! 

And a random shot of Henry with his buddy Braxton and his sweet ride. A few minutes after the photo was taken, Braxton headed under the trampoline, but Henry didn't get the memo that he had to duck, so he stopped the car with his head on the trampoline. He was okay, but I'm not sure he'll get on the truck again! Since he wasn't hurt, it was okay to giggle! 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Blue Hole August 2014

The last Friday of the summer, we decided to cross another summer bucket list item off our our list. We visited Blue Hole, a natural swimming hole in Central Texas. We packed a lunch and dinner and stayed the day. 

The water was chilly! There are beautiful cypress trees all around.

We scored some clearance tubes at the store!

 Henry didn't like the water very much, it was deeper than he is used to and I think it scared him to have his water shoes on too.

 Sweet Evelyn

 The girls worked hard to catch some guppies
 Will is serious about swimming
 Henry preferred the shallow water 

Here is William on the rope swing (he doesn't go until 30 seconds in)

We were really close to Jacob's Well, a natural artesian spring that's really, really, really, really, really deep. It's a little hike down. Ben was the only one who wanted to jump in, but it was fun to see.